6mm Aquamarine Natural White Turquoise With 8mm Chakra Beads Bracelet 4 Wrap OM Charm Jewelry

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10.0 * 5.0 * 5.0 ( cm )


Om Charms, Om Pendants, and Beautiful Om Jewelry. Om Charms in a Variety of Metals for All Budgets. The Om is the sound of the universe itself. It is the sound of all sounds, the origin of being and the end of being, the first and last word of creation.

Use Aquamarine to ride the positive waves toward closure, major life changes and a higher consciousness. This water-like stone washes away stress and fear, leaving room for peace and tranquility in their absence. Aquamarine protects the psyche from taking on dark vibrations and negative behavioral patterns. Easy is the essence of the smooth flowing energy of aquamarine. It gently brings rejuvinatation and renewal to the mind, body and spirit.

Chakras are circular (or flower petal shaped) vortexes of energy lying across seven different points on our spinal column. The seven chakras are connected to different glands and organs in the body and are responsible for uniform distribution of “Chi” (also called “Qi” or Praana or life energy) through them.

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